Wednesday, December 07, 2005

December Newsletter

There will be no workshop this month.


Short Film Forum: Jan 8th 2006 @ 7pm

Everything from music video to documentary. There will be a pannel discussion after the screening about short films: production, post-production, distribution, festivals, ideas, funding and more. If you would like to include your film, email me as soon as possible as the programme is almost complete. Films longer than 45 mins will not be accepted.

Canada's Top Ten: Jan 27- February 4th 2006. Tickets go on sale December 14th


An Introduction to Shooting a Movie on Film: January 22nd @ 7pm

In a world where five dollars can buy you an hour's worth of shooting
time on video, people ask: why would I shoot film, with it's enormous
cost and hassle? This seminar will deal with some of the concerns that
an indie filmmaker has to deal with when they decide they are going
shoot a project on film. We will be covering the basics of operating a
film camera and light meter; some basic lighting setups and how to light
actors; use of lenses; working with a production designer and costume
designer to achieve a "look"; how to build a crew for a film shoot;
dealing with the lab; sync vs. non-moviemaking; the costs and project
workflow when originating on film.

Discussion Group/ Online Forum:

The discussion group/ online forum is a way of getting up to the minute information about Collective events (wonder why you haven't heard from me in a month?). It is also a way of getting some production help, finding that perfect prop or location, or publicising an upcomming event/ screening etc.

The Film Collective

The Film Collective (TFC), provides opportunities for indie filmmakers to network, show their stuff, go to workshops, talk about films, make films, promote events and so on. Essentially, if you have an interest in film -- anything from talking about the latest indie screening to making your own-- you’re welcome to join.


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