Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thanks to everyone who attended the last info session, and to those who sent me their contact info!


September 18th, 2005 @ 3pm- Script Reading, lead by Julia Chan
Learn what Script Readers look for, which ones don't get passed on for grants and why

September 25th, 2005 at 2pm Basic Screenwriting
Learn screenwriting format, backstory/ character development, writing for documentary, role of writer on film project
-we'll look at actual film scripts as examples, and workshop some basic ideas
-if you have part of your idea written, a rough draft, or a final draft (however much experience you have) we can workshop them and get feedback as well


Sept. 8-17th, 2005, full film schedule now online

Sunday October 2nd, 2005 (place TBA)

If there is a film you'd like to see, please let me know. Especially if you'd like to do a workshop on it.


The website is a crucial part of the Film Collective as it facilitates networking and communication. Use the comments link at the bottom of each entry to post calls for crew, actors, location help, or equipment emergencies. Also if you want to get people together to workshop your rough cut/ script or to hold your own screening. Or to post pre-production of a project (or whatever).

Discussion Groups

As in Yahoo, or something like it. This enables people to get in touch without having to go through me. You can sign up to get as many or as few emails as you'd like. If you think this is a good idea, leave me a comment below.


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