Monday, August 08, 2005

Next Meeting

Sunday August 28th @ 7pm. Same place. RSVP.

Here are some suggestions, depending on what stage you're at:

-please bring a one page proposal of your idea
-whatever you've got done script/ planning wise if you want feedback
-in the proposal include target audience, expected budget, length of project, a one line pitch and a brief synopsis, crew needed, locations, actors/ interviewees.

Some great ideas were discussed at the meeting, everything from animation to documentary-- If you have an idea for a film and want to let people know (if you're looking for crew, actors, musicians or feedback etc.), post a comment below.

If you haven't already, please send me your name, email, phone number, what your interest is with the collective (cinematography, workshops, composing etc), if you have any equipment, and any films you'd like to see or recommend. I'm putting together a contact list that I'll send out to everyone to make communication easier.


Sunday September 11 @ 2pm-- Basic Screenwriting. SVP, RSVP!

-screenwriting format, backstory/ character development, writing for documentary, role of writer on film project
-if you have part of your idea written, or a rough draft, or a final draft (however much experience you have) we can workshop them and get feedback as well.


The Toronto International Film Festival is fast approaching (sept 8-17)-- coupons and passes now on sale-- canadian films announced
-everyone interested in seeing some films should leave me a comment, or send an email (maybe get a group rate)
-check TIFF website for film schedule information starting August 23rd (see links section at right for link)
-can make evenings around it too, as discussed at the meeting.


The website is a crucial part of the Film Collective as it facilitates networking and communication. Use the comments link at the bottom of each entry to post calls for crew, actors, location help, or equipment emergencies. Also if you want to get people together to workshop your rough cut/ script or to hold your own screening. Or to post pre-production of a project (or whatever).


Comment below or email me:

-if there's something I'm doing you think can be improved in any way
-if you know of a grant or film rental place or film festival/ indie screening etc, please let me know and I'll post it
-anything else you can think of


At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in for some TIFF screenings! No particular ones yet, but I've never been so I'd like to check it out.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in buying one of the coupons or booklets too... but as soon as the film schedule is up, I'll post which films I want to see. I know I want to see lots of canadian films as they're supposed to be better than ever this year.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Maayke Schurer said...

Hey people,
I am a keen collective member living in Kingston. Sorry I cant make it to the meeting. In any case, I look forward to collaborating with the rest of you!


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